Friday, 7 December 2012

A family affair!

As well as being a family friendly show our Panto is also a family affair in other ways, we have lots of siblings, cousins and other family groups involved. Today's family the Hall's has all four children involved. The eldest Jennifer as well as appearing on stage has also been assisting with our Junior chorus at rehearsals and is working hard on props behind the scenes all the way through as well.

Hi my name is Jennifer,
I have been doing panto since I was six and I am delighted to be taking part in little red riding hood. Most of my family are involved in panto in some way, my mum volunteers front of house, my two sisters Emily and Katelyn and my brother Cillian are in the panto. This year I assisted Kelly Ann when she was choreographing the junior chorus and my youngest sister Katelyn was part of this. It was my first time doing something like this and I really enjoyed it and it was a really good experience. I love doing panto because its so much fun you learn a lot from everyone around you, from the backstage crew to the experienced actors it is a great opportunity to work with them because I can learn so much from them. Each panto bring its own challenges and new experiences and I am looking forward to what this panto brings.

Next in line is Emily, who you can spot quite a few times on stage throughout the show, she really transforms her character a few times. She is also a huge help back stage with our smallest members of the cast.

Hello this is Emily, I am delighted to be in Panto this year. This will be my 7th Panto with my sister Jennifer and my 5th Panto with my younger sister and brother, Katlyn and Cillian. Every year around Christmas there is always a lot of excitement and practicing of dances. I am dancing since I was very young and I still have the same love for dancing now that I am 15 years old. I am so happy to be a part of the Panto and everyone is so nice and friendly. I hope you all enjoy the show and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Next in line is Cillian who will be the first of the Hall family to appear in this years show.

Hi my name is Cillian, I have being doing Panto for about 8years. I think it is a really good experience. I have made lots of good friends over the years. Some I am still good friends with and others I don't see much any more. I have learned lots from Panto and especially the main cast, great tips on how to be a great actor and dancer. It is great that my mum helps in the Everyman Palace theatre because she can give us lifts in and out. I really love this years show it is great to see the cast and crew all hard at work to make a great show.

And last but most certainly not least is the youngest of the family Katelyn who is one of the happiest people in the show, Katelyn always has a huge smile on her face a brightens all our days!

Hi my name is Katelyn Hall. I have being doing Panto for 5 years. I love singing and dancing in front of all the people. I am the youngest of the Hall family and I am performing with my two olðr sisters and older brother who all also go to CADA with me!
A pre show photo of Emily and Jennifer!

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